We are delighted to announce the publication of Do Something About It! by Bill Porter, ICF’s Founder President.
Here is the story of one who believes that the media can be a decisive force for justice, freedom and peace in the 21st century. As his wife told him fifteen years ago, “If you are thinking like that, don’t just complain “do something about it!”
BILL PORTER worked as a freelance journalist in Asia, Europe and America. Returning to Britain he became the Chief Executive of the UK arm of a Dutch publishing multi-national. After holding executive positions with the Publishers Association and the Periodical Publishers, he was among the pioneers of electronic and database publishing.
In 1990 he founded the International Communications Forum, and was Chairman for ten years. In this colourful and intimate autobiography Bill Porter tells his entertaining and extraordinary story.
The book will be launched at the ICF’s fifteenth anniversary meeting at Caux, Switzerland, taking place from 16 to 19 July 2005.
The cover price of the book is £12.50.
Click here for more information.