I have great pleasure in announcing that Mr William Morris, Secretary General of the Next Century Foundation (NCF), has accepted my invitation to become the Chairman of the Executive Council of the International Communications Forum. Mr Morris and his team at the NCF will assume the executive responsibilities of the former ICF Executive Committee. Hugh Nowell and Robin Williamson will relinquish their executive roles and will become members of the new Executive Council together with Mike Smith and Jean-Jacques Odier.
The Next Century Foundation (NCF) has a strong interest in a more ethical media. The NCF's International Council for Press and Broadcasting (ICPB) holds annual International Media Awards, and I have accepted Mr Morris' invitation to become a member of the ICPB. My own role as President of the ICF remains unchanged, and I am delighted that our two organisations will now be working closely together on concerns that we share deeply.
More information on William Morris and the NCF can be found at
and on the ICPB at http://www.pressandbroadcasting.org
Bernard Margueritte
President, the ICF
November 2013