On July 20-24, the International Communications took part in the Caux [1] Conference for Business and Industry, under the theme, 'Globalization - From Conflict to Opportunity'.
The Opening Plenary was addressed by ICF President, Bernard Margueritte, who called for another globalization, - a globalisation of responsibility, of knowledge and respect for each other. ICF Vice-President Dr Frances Pinter, founder Pinter Publishers and visiting professor at the London School of Economics, gave a key note speech on the essential role of civil society organisations of which the ICF is one. Workshops were led by the President on the 'Media - watchdog for politicians and businessmen in a global context'. The President outlined some of the tasks set out last year aiming to make the media more responsible which have been achieved. He described in greater detail objectives for the coming year, which can be read in the ICF Annual Report July 2002. (Click on 'more' below to go to the text of the Report)
During the 'Road to Renewal' Caux Conference which immediately followed, July 28 - August 3, the ICF held workshops on the 'Visual Arts and film-making' to consider the manner in which entertainment could eradicate hatred and enhance human dignity and respect. Several eminent film-makers took part. Among them, Krzusztov Zanussi, famous award-winning Polish director and chairman of the Polish Film-makers association; Jan Horn, documentary film-maker from South Africa; Ken Dodds, UK documentary film-maker; and a TV/film team from Moscow.